The search box is typically found in the top right corner of the page. To search, simply type something. No need to press enter.


The search box contains one or more "Contexts" for you to search within. You can change the context by clicking the down arrow.

The different contexts allow you to search for different information within that context. Searches are NOT case sensitive.

Locations: Location name, reference, identifiers (E.g. Cost centre, site code)

Inventory: Inventory name, reference, identifiers (E.g. ICP, MPAN, meter number, asset code)

Notes: Note title, note text (I.e. anything in the body of the note). Please note that any html code in the note text may interfere with your search words. E.g. Searching for "June report" will not find "...<b>June</b> report..." 

Data reviews: Data review name, review period (E.g. FY20)

Tasks: Task name, reference, date range

Processes: Process name, reference

People: First name, last name, email


After entering a search phrase of at least 3 characters, the search box will show a maximum of 20 results. You will need to further refine your search phrase if you cannot find what you are looking for.

Clicking on a result will take you to that item.