In CSR, this feature is used to set parameters as detailed below.  Usually these will be input during implementation of the CSR system, but they can be reviewed and updated as required.  

Programme Details:

  1. The Base Year ending date, e.g., 30 June 2022.

  2. The Target Year ending date.

  3. The First year of legacy data ending date.

  4. The Inventory locked date, i.e., the date up to which the GHG inventory data is correct and should not be changed.

  5. The Consolidation Approach used for the GHG inventory, e.g., Equity Share.
  6. The Programme contact, i.e., the person ultimately responsible for the GHG inventory.

To find this feature, on the menu bar select ManageProgramme Details.

  • To update the parameters, click on Edit this programme.
  • Once complete, click Save (or Cancel to leave the editing screen without updating).

Good to know

  • A user must have the role of Company Administrator to access this feature.